Prior Work

Replication of Synthetic Recognition-Encoded Oligomers by Ligation of Trimer Building Blocks
Núñez-Villanueva, D.; Hunter, C. A. Replication of Synthetic RecognitionEncoded Oligomers by Ligation of Trimer Building Blocks. Organic Chemistry Frontiers 2023, 10 (23), 5950–5957.

Replication of a Synthetic Oligomer Using Chameleon Base-Pairs
Núñez-Villanueva, D.; Hunter, C. A. Replication of a Synthetic Oligomer Using Chameleon Base-Pairs. Chemical Communications 2022, 58 (78), 11005–11008.

Effect of Backbone Flexibility on Covalent Template-Directed Synthesis of Linear Oligomers
Núñez-Villanueva, D.; Hunter, C. A. Effect of Backbone Flexibility on Covalent Template-Directed Synthesis of Linear Oligomers. Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry 2022, 20 (42), 8285–8292.

Supramolecular Template-Directed Synthesis of Triazole Oligomers
Fasano, F.; Bolgar, P.; Iadevaia, G.; Hunter, C. A. Supramolecular TemplateDirected Synthesis of Triazole Oligomers. Chemical Science 2022, 13 (44),

Stochastic Emergence of Two Distinct Self-Replicators from a Dynamic Combinatorial Library
Schaeffer, G.; Eleveld, M. J.; Ottelé, J.; Kroon, P. C.; Pim; Yang, S.; Otto, S. Stochastic Emergence of Two Distinct Self-Replicators from a Dynamic Combinatorial Library. Journal of the American Chemical Society 2022, 144 (14), 6291–6297.

A Molecular Replication Process Drives Supramolecular Polymerization
Feng, Y.; Philp, D. A Molecular Replication Process Drives Supramolecular Polymerization. Journal of the American Chemical Society 2021, 143 (41), 17029–17039.

Controlled Mutation in the Replication of Synthetic Oligomers
Núñez-Villanueva, D.; Hunter, C. A. Controlled Mutation in the Replication of Synthetic Oligomers. Chemical Science 2021, 12 (11), 4063–4068.

Solvent-Free Autocatalytic Supramolecular Polymerization
Chen, Z.; Suzuki, Y.; Ayumi Imayoshi; Ji, X.; Kotagiri Venkata Rao; Omata, Y.; Miyajima, D.; Sato, E.; Atsuko Nihonyanagi; Aida, T. Solvent-Free Autocatalytic Supramolecular Polymerization. Nature Materials 2021, 21 (2), 253–261. 01122-z.

Encoding Multiple Reactivity Modes within a Single Synthetic Replicator
Robertson, C. C.; Kosikova, T.; Philp, D. Encoding Multiple Reactivity Modes within a Single Synthetic Replicator. Journal of the American Chemical Society 2020, 142 (25), 11139– 11152.

A Chemically Fuelled Self-Replicator
Morrow, S. M.; Colomer, I.; Fletcher, S. P. A Chemically Fuelled Self-Replicator. Nature Communications 2019, 10 (1).

An Environmentally Responsive Reciprocal Replicating Network
Robertson, C. C.; Mackenzie, H. W.; Kosikova, T.; Philp, D. An EnvironmentalReciprocal Replicating Network. Journal of the American Chemical Society 2018, 140 (22), 6832–6841.

Mechanosensitive Self-Replication Driven by Self-Organization
Carnall, J. M. A.; Waudby, C. A.; Belenguer, A. M.; Stuart, M. C. A.; Peyralans, J. J.-P. .; Otto, S. Mechanosensitive Self-Replication Driven by Self-Organization. Science 2010, 327 (5972), 1502–1506.

Studies in Molecular Replication
Wintner, E. A.; M. Morgan Conn; Rebek, J. Studies in Molecular Replication. Accounts of Chemical Research 1994, 27 (7), 198–203.

Recognition, Replication, and Extrabiotic Chemistry
Rebek, J. Recognition, Replication and Extrabiotic Chemistry. Supramolecular chemistry 1993, 1 (3-4), 261–266.